I collaborated with talented Art Director Andrea Heser on this illustration job about the story of how one woman coped in her cancer journey. Four-Time Survivor Diane Heditsian is a CEO and patient
advocate living in the San Francisco Bay Area. She honed her resilience
through two decades of breast cancers.
hi there, hello. thanks for stopping by.
my name is tina. i'm an illustrator and designer.
this is a space for me to post new work, work in progress,
things i'm up to, inspirations and observations.
contact: info@tinazellmer.com
web: www.tinazellmer.com
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also visit: https://www.tinazellmer.com/
Bitte schauen Sie auf meine Webseite: https://www.tinazellmer.com/
backpacker magazine / DIY Conifer Infusion
This illustration by Tina for backpacker magazine, is an instruction to make a Conifer Infusion yourself.
infusion can be used to make an elixir to soothe coughs and boost the
immune system. Or use it as an ingredient in a signature foraged
Clip of a few small branches from a conifer tree (pine, spruce, fir, etc.). Do NOT use Yew, which is toxic.
the needles and twigs and fill a jar halfway with the trimmings. Cover
the plant matter with your favorite alcohol, or apple cider vinegar. Add
a few tablespoons of honey or maple syrup. Cover and let steep for one
week, shaking daily.
instagram inkymess007
They wanted her to create an abstract, collage like illustration based on their logo (bottom right), for i-tunes, their website and other promotional material.
Lehigh University
It features their 1-MBA program and is about students and their summer internship experiences at companies like Tesla, Genetec and QVC (home shopping network).
the actuary
artist of the week: Tina Zellmer
food illustrations / Westjet magazine
Doulas. / Bright magazine
Growing pleasures / Bianca magazine
Monica Julian, artdirector of 52 Pick-up says:
Caribbean Sea / Thomas Cook Travel magazine
Pharmacy Practice
One of the features of the magazine is on the Pharmacist’s role for Zika prevention and awareness. The spot illustration is on the topic of diabetes.
new website!!
The updated site includes changes to design and navigation for both, mobile and desktop versions. I’ve also improved the structure of my content.
The news-page is new, the contact page is new too, well all is new really :)
And, coolest of all: I have added a little shop that I am very happy about. There’s a whole list of small but impactful changes, all to make your experience on my site much better for you.
Special thanks to Federico Guzzardi, for helping me realize this adventure.
I hope you like the new website, and if you have any feedback, please let me know.
new news
es dauert nicht mehr lange, dann erscheint meine neue Webseite
unter: www.tinazellmer.com
Dort gibt es, genau wie hier, Neuigkeiten und neue Illustrationen.
Check it out :)
Bright Magazine
Ma Vie 11 Dinge die wir jetzt lieben
App Autism
But at least one piece of tech is threatening to break the mold. On the horizon, an app called :prose and its associated gear may be able to link a user’s thoughts to a speaking aid. This may make it possible for someone with even the most severe physical limitations to develop an amount of autonomy over their own language.” (Soni Sangha)
Diakonie Hilfswerk Weihnachtsmailing
Tina made touching images of this years christmas mailing.
Rob Longstaff - footprints
Very proud to illustrate the new cd 'footprints' by Rob Longstaff.
Cool funky music, which you can find on facebook.com/roblongstaffmusic/
handgetöpferte broschen
... tinas lieblingsbrosche: 'i love kubah' (sieht auch genau aus wie ihr hund kubah!!)
der m:xer

art- and creative therapy
Congratulations: Tina is now an official art and creative therapist!
She has just passed her exams and is ready to give you an insight in the possibilities for personal development through art, by triggering your thoughts with new impulses.

The Chronicle Review Big Brains, Small Minds

since the Romans. And reducing the humanities to a type of soft science
will only hasten this trend. As the sciences rightly grow, a free society
must ensure that criticism of the sciences grows apace.
inSync jewellery
to promote the new jewellery collection of inSync design
baum / tree
Walrus & the Bear
Tina did this illustration for Walrus & the Bear, an art historian turned podcast-producer.
Walrus will bring you compelling stories from Berlin, alternated with reflections on its controversial history. Because it is only after you understand Berlin’s central role in so many historic conflicts, that you can fully appreciate the unique situation Berlin is in today.
Want to know more? check this link: http://viertausendhertz.de/walrus-and-the-bear/
podcast viertausendhertz
Chemistry World magazine
for the Chemistry World magazine
The article is about how scientists can extract proteins and DNA samples from the bones
of prehistoric animals, but there is a question over how long proteins can really
survive and therefore how accurate the results of this research are.